Integrated Jewish Learning

Unlike most Jewish Day Schools that allocate a portion of the day to general studies and a portion of the day to Jewish studies, students at The Shlenker School, do not separate their secular learning from their Jewish learning. Rather, students spend the entirety of their day gaining exceptional academic instruction with Jewish concepts infused and woven throughout the curriculum. This truly integrated model allows for a seamless approach to learning and mirrors the life of a modern American Jew who recognizes that Judaism has a place in everyday life. 

Shlenker students graduate with a strong foundation of Jewish knowledge. Our graduates are committed to Jewish values and have a strong Jewish identity. This identity is instilled in them through a strong bond with God, the Jewish people, and the State of Israel. The Shlenker community creates opportunities for students to fulfill a variety of mitzvot and further develop their love of Judaism and their Jewish heritage. 

Learn more about the curriculum below.