Board of Trustees

The Shlenker Board of Trustees is responsible for the governance of the school. Our Board Members are committed to ensuring that The Shlenker School provides all students with a high-quality education. The Board of Trustees has the responsibility to govern the School's affairs, including:

  • Selecting and retaining the Head of School
  • Ensuring the School’s current and long term financial sustainability through crucial development efforts
  • Establishing a strategic vision for the school
  • Growing strong relationships with the broader Jewish community

2024–2025 Board of Trustees

Marci Gilbert, President
Will Burdine, Vice President
Dr. Kathleen Chen, Vice President
David Ebro, Vice President
Rochelle Mintz, Vice President
Arturo Karakowsky, Treasurer
Matt Ross, Secretary

Eric Danziger
Hillary Danziger
Lisa Darling
Raj Khadka
Samantha Lee
Pat Pollicoff
Renee Raizen
Shawn Rosenzweig
Jayme Schlackman
Josh Stein
Laura Tolpin

Ex-Officio Members:
Susan Feigin Harris, President, Congregation Beth Israel
Caren Sweetland, Congregation Beth Israel Liaison
Leah Abrams, Immediate Past President
Kristin de Aldecoa, Shlenker Parents Association President
Rabbi David Lyon, Senior Rabbi, Congregation Beth Israel
Dr. Michelle Barton, Head of School